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 Chattogram Metropolitan Police
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MediaOperations Division


Crime & Operations unit is the most important unit in CMP. An Additional Commissioner of Police runs the unit smoothly with the help of the five Deputy Commissioners, and many others Additional Deputy Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners, officers and forces.

Crime Unit is the backbone of police department. This unit initiates investigations into criminal activity. Prevention, detection and investigation of criminal activity are their prime responsibility. It investigates and enquires into crimes which violate the law of the land. Traditional crimes like drug trafficking, prostitution, racketeering, kidnapping and organized crime (either criminal or financial activities), hostage taking, bomb attack, sexual assault, or homicide etc.  are some of the important crimes they deal with. Moreover, they have to maintain law and order. So Public Order Management (POM) is also the part of their responsibility which they cannot avoid. Some of their activities are summarized below:


 01  :

 To work for the prevention of crimes and maintenance of law and order.

 02  : To coordinate the works of the police stations and with the boundary police stations in carrying out special drives for rounding up criminals.
 03  : To plan, organize and lead the special and important police operations.
 04  : To maintain the data or facts about crimes committed within the territorial jurisdiction of different police stations.
 05  : To ensure that warrants, proclamations and attachment orders are issued against absconders and those necessary steps are taken to arrest them.
 06  : To train the inexperienced and junior officers regarding investigation, modus operandi of different categories of criminals, corrections of the errors etc.
 07  : To perform works regarding complain against police personnel, to provide legal assistance to the visitors etc.
 08  : To supervise foot patrol, mobile patrol, check post.
 09  : To ensure timely deployment and departure of the force.
10  : Investigation/ enquiry into the cases sent by discipline division of CMP and submit reports accordingly.
11  : To enlist properly in the Register all summons & warrants (W/A) received in the concerned police station & to inform the concerned Court timely after taking action on issuing /complying with all those Summons & warrants.
12  : Performing programmes on Community Policing & Open House Day.
13  : Collection of necessary and relevant intelligence/information and conduct a threat assessment.
14  : Formulation of  operational and security plan for various types of social, national and political programs (e.g. strike, procession, meeting, rally, long march, human chain, election, siege, 1st Boishakh,  31st night, 16 December,  26 March, 15 August etc.)
15  : Supervising on going operations conducted at police stations of CMP.
16  : Taking necessary steps to provide manpower and logistics keeping a coordination with Headquarters, (Public order Management) POM and Logistics units.
17  : Coordinating among crime divisions if more than one crime divisions are concerned.
18  : Giving operational command on behalf of the Commissioner, Additional Commissioner and Joint Commissioner after having been instructed.
19  : Always remaining active and open to receive intelligence/information.
20  : Disseminating intelligence/information amongst concerned officers.
21  : Keeping contact with the intelligence agencies to formulate security plan for national program and mega events.

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