Hasib Aziz
Police Commissioner Chattogram Metropolitan Police.
I would like to extend my special thanks and heartiest
congratulations to the citizens of this port City, Chattogram.
Metropolitan Police has started its digital journey. CMP has already launched
Mobile Apps (Hello CMP) , surveillance camera. CMP has its own Facebook page named Chattogram
Metropolitan Police ( Link
https://www.facebook.com/cmp.ctg )
. Now CMP launches its own website named www.cmp.gov.bd
Our Vision is to make the city safe for all and our mission is to work for
better and safer Chattogram. Our commitment is to ensure protection of life and
property and to keep the peace and tranquility in the city.
A core function of CMP is to take all the possible steps to prevent crime, to
identify the criminals and to bring them under the process of law.
It is our dream to maintain a crime and hazard free city life. We are trying
our level best to establish a police friend society. To ensure that we have
already connected people to our mainstream policing through community policing
program. Recently we have initiated Hello Police Commissioner Facebook page and Hello OC program. However co-operation from
all corners is highly expected to make
our dream true.
I believe Chattogram Metropolitan Police (CMP) website will open a new avenue
for all to reach our goal.
History of Chittagong Metropolitan police
Chittagong Metropolitan police (CMP) has started
its journey on 30 November, 1978. CMP has started its initial journey with the
area of 128 square mile & with its population of 10,00,000. Cmp is run by the
Chittagong Metropolitan Police Ordinance, 1978.
Mr. M M Sharif Ali was the
first police Commissioner of CMP. At the initial stage, CMP started its course
with six police stations, thirty out posts and six police box only. Primarily
CMP had two crime divisions namely North Division & Port Division, Headquarters
Division, City Special Branch (City SB), and Traffic Division. Afterwards
Detective Branch (DB) and Protection & Protocol division has started their
In 1984, CMP has got the permission to employ 3238 police personnel`s
at different levels.
In 1988, a new division is established by CMP namely Riot
Control Division (RCD) and CMP created 591 different posts for the police
In 2000, on the demanding of increase people, CMP has divided its
six police stations into twelve. At present CMP has 16 police Stations, 31
outposts, 05 IC (Investigating Centre) and 6 police box.
Total employee of CMP
is about 6,458.
CMP is run by:
● 1 Police Commissioner (DIG) with the help of
● 3 Addl. Police Commissioners
● 21 Deputy Police Commissioners
● 23 Addl. Deputy Police Commissioners &
● 16 Asstt. Police Commissioners.
Other Police personnel`s are
● Inspector (UB) - 77,
● Town & Traffic Inspector - 37
● Inspector (AB) - 20
● SI (UB) - 456
● SI (AB) - 59
● Sergeant - 163
● TSI - 08
● ATSI - 56
● ASI (UB) - 525
● ASI (AB) - 132
● Naik - 171
● Constable - 4463
● Non-Police - 130
● Outsourcing - 97
There are 7 distinct divisions in CMP, Namely:-
● Headquarters Division
● Public Order Management Division.
● Crime & Operations Division.
● Detective & Criminal Intelligence Division
● Traffic Division
● Protocol & Protection Division
● Media & public Relation Division.
In 1978, the people and police ratio was 1:276 &
Now the ratio is 1:900. Due to the crisis of police personnel`s CMP has a
proposal to increase the number of employees about 5155 & the proposal is under
Chittagong Metropolitan police is always ready
to meet up the demand of the citizens and is working for the better & safer
Chittagong to Live & Work.